NEJM Publishes ABA-ACCME Research on Evolving Board Certification
1/14/19 – The New England Journal of Medicine published a perspective piece today that chronicles our collaboration with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to guide diplomates’ lifelong learning and make MOCA® more meaningful.
The piece, titled “Evolving Board Certification — Glimpses of Success,” describes our efforts to evolve the MOCA program by incorporating learning and assessment of knowledge into their daily practice through MOCA Minute®, and linking this assessment to relevant continuing medical education. We partnered with the ACCME to create our CME Explorer, an online, searchable Category 1 CME catalog of activities that correlate to MOCA Minute questions physicians answered incorrectly. Diplomates may complete these CME activities for MOCA credit.*
This collaboration demonstrates the benefits of partnering with other organizations to provide physicians with meaningful educational options, adding value to continuing certification. The authors of the study are Alex Macario, M.D., M.B.A.; Ann E. Harman, Ph.D.; Tamar Hosansky; Mary E. Post, M.B.A., C.A.E.; Huaping Sun, Ph.D.; and Graham T. McMahon, M.D., M.M.Sc.
*Neither the ACCME nor the ABA produces CME or financially benefits from physicians’ participation in CME activities.