Begin Certification
Earn your certification through a series of exams: BASIC, ADVANCED and APPLIED.
Continue Certification
Sharpen your knowledge and advance your practice through MOCA.
Training Programs
Prepare for certification exams through a variety of training options.
Setting standards and leading innovation for the practice of anesthesiology since 1938
By participating in continuing certification you will:
You are eligible to participate in continuing certification if you:
**Note: Annual registration fees are cumulative. If you do not pay your registration fee in year one, you will be expected to pay two fees in year two.
To meet the ABMS Standards for Continuing Certification, our MOCA program is transitioning from a 10-year cycle to a five-year cycle. Board-certified anesthesiologists certified before 2024 should meet the requirements of the 10-year cycle below to remain in good standing. Physicians will enter the five-year cycle when their current 10-year cycle expires. All newly certified board-certified anesthesiologists will use the five-year cycle. Learn how to check your certification cycle expiration date here.
Current Medical License
Maintain an active, unrestricted license to practice medicine in at least one jurisdiction of the U.S. or Canada
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Earn 125 CME credits by year five, including 10 ABA-approved patient safety credits
MOCA Minute®
Answer 120 MOCA Minute questions per calendar year and/or maintain a p-value of ≥ 0.10
Quality Improvement (QI)
Earn and attest to a total of 25 QI points by year five
This timeline shows how you can keep up with MOCA requirements over your five-year cycle.
Earn 125 CME credits by year five and 250 total CME credits by year 10, including 20 ABA-approved patient safety credits
Earn and attest to 25 QI points by year five and a total of 50 QI points by year 10
This timeline shows how you can keep up with MOCA requirements over a ten-year cycle.
Stay on Track
Every year, complete the following:
And maintain an active, unrestricted license to practice medicine in at least one jurisdiction of the U.S. or Canada.
What if my certification has lapsed?
What if I need to change my practicing status?
I have multiple certifications. How does this impact my MOCA designations?
ABA certification means you will be listed in the ABA directory, visible to potential patients and employers alongside thousands of other qualified practitioners under the gold standard for excellence in anesthesiology. Ongoing certification will ensure you stay up to date on the latest advancements in quality care and patient safety.