Providing a seamless transition to new standards while maintaining the value of our MOCA program

ABMS Standards for Continuing Certification

Stephanie Jones, M.D., shares more about the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Standards for Continuing Certification, the upcoming cycle change and what this means for board-certified anesthesiologists. View the video below.

What this means for our diplomates

In practice, this change will have minimal impact on ABA diplomates as our current continuing certification program already requires completion of continuing medical education (CME) credits and quality improvement (QI) activities every five years and requires annual completion of MOCA Minute questions.

We anticipate a seamless transition to these new standards and do not expect a noticeable impact to diplomates’ existing MOCA requirements.

Once your current certification expires, you will enter on a five-year cycle. Learn how to check your certification expiration date in ABA GO here.

Implementing new ABMS standards

The ABMS created the Continuing Board Education: Vision for the Future Commission (Commission), an independent advisory body, to critically examine current ABMS continuing certification standards. ABMS and Member Boards received feedback from the Commission that a 10-year cycle is too long given that medical practice guidelines and technical advancements are happening so rapidly. More frequent intervals of diplomate assessment can assure the public that board-certified physicians are maintaining the currency of their knowledge and skills.

As a result of the report and recommendations from the Commission, ABMS drafted the new Standards for Continuing Certification and held an 80-day public comment period for key stakeholders and the public prior to finalizing.

Value of certification

With the rapid growth of scientific knowledge and the advancement of technical capabilities, the need for increased ongoing engagement in learning and new knowledge development has emerged. When initial certification is awarded based on a comprehensive assessment process and followed up with continuing certification programs that are meaningful, engaging and relevant to their practices, both diplomates and the public benefit.

In an effort to improve the quality of care for patients and ensure rigorous standards for physicians, we regularly evaluate our certification process to maintain the highest standards for the practice of anesthesiology.