Begin Certification
Earn your certification through a series of exams: BASIC, ADVANCED and APPLIED.
Continue Certification
Sharpen your knowledge and advance your practice through MOCA.
Training Programs
Prepare for certification exams through a variety of training options.
Setting standards and leading innovation for the practice of anesthesiology since 1938
We seek to advance the highest standards of the practice of anesthesiology. Since 1938, we’ve developed our policies to serve our mission and the physicians who join us in its pursuit.
BASIC Exam Policy
Absence from Training Policy
Data Privacy and Security Policy
Disclaimer: The ABA does not represent any government entity and does not have authorization to facilitate government services. The ABA does receive updated information from the Federation of State Medical Boards about the medical license status for our users. This is done in partnership with the American Board of Medical Specialties. We also provide links to the appropriate state medical boards websites for information about medical license renewal, but the ABA is not responsible for any information on these external sites.