Continue Certification

CME Activities for MOCA

The following document contains information on the guidelines for Category 1 continuing medical education (CME) activities for our Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology™ (MOCA®) program.


Category 1: The CME activity is sponsored by an Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)-approved program or is eligible for credit through AMA’s Physician Recognition Award (PRA) Program. Additionally, you can request LLS Category 1 credit for CME activities approved as Category 1- A by the American Osteopathic Association, and accredited continuing professional development credits issued by the Royal College of Physicians of Canada and the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada.


Referencing the American Medical Association’s (AMA) guidelines can help in determining whether an activity should be considered Category 1 or non-Category 1 (Other) CME. They are available on the AMA website at: Documentation usually indicates the category, but there can be exceptions or lack of category assignment altogether.

Category 1 CME Credit Examples:

Fellowship – We will grant up to 50 CME credits for 12 months of fellowship training in an ACGME- accredited subspecialty program, or in an anesthesiology subspecialty fellowship program sponsored by an ACGME-accredited core anesthesiology program. To receive credit toward MOCA, you need to have completed the fellowship in or after the year you received your primary certification in anesthesiology.   Board Certification- A certificate is mailed to diplomates from the AMA for 60 CME credits earned upon board certification. **These credits can NOT be applied to your MOCA cycle, but can be applied for meeting state board requirements.   The American Heart Association’s Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) course – If this course is offered by an ACCME-accredited sponsor, we will allow up to 16 CME credits.   Test Item Writing – Providers may designate each test item writing activity for a maximum of 10 CME credits. The questions must be developed for exams given by the NBME or the ABA.   Medically related advanced degrees – Obtaining a medically related advanced degree, such as a master’s in public health, allows eligibility for up to 25 CME credits.   Grand Rounds – CME credits are issued by the hospital.   Performance Improvement – Performance improvement (PI) activities describe structured, long-term processes by which a physician or group of physicians can learn about specific performance measures, retrospectively assess their practice, apply these measures prospectively over a useful interval, and re- evaluate their performance. CME credits are allowed for completing each cycle.