At the forefront of patient safety and clinical research since 1938

Board Certification Matters

Since 1938, ABA certification has been recognized as the gold standard for certifying anesthesiologists in the United States due to our rigorous board certification process. Patients trust board certification to ensure that a physician has demonstrated the knowledge, judgment and skills necessary to provide safe and high-quality specialty care.

What sets apart an ABA-certified physician?


Patients deserve the highest quality care. Board-certified diplomates have undergone thorough training and rigorous exams to ensure they have the scientific expertise, clinical judgment and technical skills to care for you and your loved ones with excellence.


Patient Safety

The ABA revokes certificates from physicians whose conduct puts patients at risk or undermines the dependability of the credential so that patients can be confident in the care of ABA-certified anesthesiologists.



The field of anesthesiology is constantly changing and developing as research yields new discoveries. Through our continuing education requirements, an ABA certification keeps anesthesiologists up to date with the most recent medical advances in their specialties.



Board-certified diplomates demonstrate their proficiency through an ongoing rigorous board certification process. Our requirements for leadership and educational activities ensure our physicians consistently meet the highest standards for professionalism.

The Benefits of Pursuing ABA Certification

Physicians have dedicated years of study to pursuing excellence in their field. An ABA certification demonstrates that excellence and provides ongoing training to hone their expertise.

  • A higher standard: The rigorous standards and ongoing accountability of an ABA certification set diplomates apart from non-certified colleagues and demonstrate commitment to providing the highest level of care.
  • Thorough preparation: The sequence of initial examinations reinforces the mastery of both medical knowledge and clinical skills, preparing diplomates to exercise clear clinical judgment
  • Excellence throughout your career: The resources and requirements to uphold an ABA certification keep diplomates informed of the latest advances in the field while ensuring their foundational skills and reasoning stay sharp.
  • Contributions to the field: Diplomates are involved in developing standards and assessments to ensure the program evolves as the specialty advances.

Find everything you'll need through the ABA certification process and beyond

What does ABA certification evaluate?

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) identifies the six following core competencies as fundamental to delivering high-quality patient care. The ABA implements each of these competencies into our assessment and continuing education curriculums to ensure the highest standards of the practice of anesthesiology.

Patient-Based Learning & Improvement

Evaluate patient care, lead the specialty with critical thinking and improve practice standards

Patient Care & Procedural Skills

Provide compassionate and effective care that treats health problems and promotes safe and equitable practice

Systems-Based Practice

Maintain awareness of health care systems, calling upon system resources to provide the highest level of care

Medical Knowledge

Demonstrate knowledge about established and evolving medical trends and advancements, applying them to patient care

Interpersonal & Communication Skills

Develop effective communication skills with patients, their families and professional associates


Commit to carrying out professional responsibilities ethically