News & Research

Explore the latest in ABA news, events and policy changes

Video Statement from ABA Secretary on the Cancellation of 2020 APPLIED Exams
July 14, 2020
Video Statement from ABA Secretary on the Cancellation of 2020 APPLIED Exams
APPLIED Deadline Extended for Fellows Taking Subspecialty Exams
July 10, 2020
APPLIED Deadline Extended for Fellows Taking Subspecialty Exams
July 2, 2020
Webinar Recording: ABA APPLIED Exam Plans with ABA Secretary
ABA July 1 Webinar Recording Available [2021 APPLIED Exams]
July 2, 2020
ABA July 1 Webinar Recording Available [2021 APPLIED Exams]
Our plan for the 2021 APPLIED Exams
June 26, 2020
Our plan for the 2021 APPLIED Exams
June 25, 2020
Our Plan for the 2021 APPLIED Exams
zoomed in on doctor and IV line
June 24, 2020
FAER and ABA Announce Winner of Research in Education Grant
ABA Accepts Applications for New Examiners
June 15, 2020
ABA Accepts Applications for New Examiners
Week 7.5 of the APPLIED Exam will proceed
June 4, 2020
Week 7.5 of the APPLIED Exam will proceed
ABA Statement on Racism and Public Health
June 3, 2020
ABA Statement on Racism and Public Health
May 20, 2020
ABA Moves Forward with July ADVANCED Examination
Fellows and APPLIED Exams
May 15, 2020
Fellows and APPLIED Exams