Options for research during residency training


Residents interested in research have the option to spend approximately 25 percent of a 3- or 4-year training program, and 38 percent of a 5-year training program engaged in scholarly activities. Program directors and department chairs have the flexibility to allocate the resident research months, as long as they meet the maximum percentages as identified in the suggested templates for protected research time.

Residents must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited anesthesiology program and remain active in the educational component of the program while pursuing research. Their program director must develop a plan with strict guidelines for research activity and “work product” oversight if research activities will be more than six months.

Residents’ involvement in scholarly activities must result in the generation of a specific permanent “work product.” Review of scholarly activity and the permanent work product will occur at the local level by a scholarship oversight committee that’s responsible for overseeing and assessing the trainee’s progress and verifying to us that the requirement has been met. The scholarship oversight committee must consist of three or more faculty members. The program director may serve as a trainee’s mentor and participate in the activities of the scholarship oversight committee but should not be a standing member.

Residents must have a satisfactory Certificate of Clinical Competency report for the six months of clinical anesthesia training immediately preceding any research period unless prospectively approved by our Credentialing and Continuing Certification Committee.

The following exceptions will be considered by application to our Credentialing and Continuing Certification Committee (at least four months in advance of the proposed research time):

  • Aggregating research time normally allocated across the clinical base (CB) and clinical anesthesia (CA) years into one or more years, allowing a significant amount of time to be used for research as a block
  • Leave of absence from the clinical program for research activities
  • Additional months in research, especially if the research is prospectively integrated in the training program



  1. 36 MONTHS
    • 3 months in CA 1-2 years
    • 6 months in CA-3 year
    • 9 months, maximum total (25% of total time)
  2. 48 MONTHS
    • 2 months in CBY of anesthesiology-relevant research time
    • 3 months in CA 1-2 years
    • 6 months in CA-3 year
    • 11 months, maximum total (23% of total time)
  3. 60 MONTHS
    • 2 months in CBY of anesthesiology-relevant research time
    • 3 months in CA 1-2 years
    • 6 months in CA-3 year
    • 12 months in CA-4 year
    • 23 months, maximum total (38% of total time)