Begin Certification
Earn your certification through a series of exams: BASIC, ADVANCED and APPLIED.
Continue Certification
Sharpen your knowledge and advance your practice through MOCA.
Training Programs
Prepare for certification exams through a variety of training options.
Setting standards and leading innovation for the practice of anesthesiology since 1938
The ABA has always depended on volunteers to help elevate the specialty of anesthesiology and train new physicians in excellence and dedication. They’ve taken time away from their busy clinical practices around the nation to examine candidates, write and review questions for our assessments and assist us with program improvements and initiatives.
We appreciate the expertise they bring to our programs and the specialty of anesthesiology!
Our question authors draft assessment questions for our certification exams for anesthesiology and subspecialties.
Note: Question authors may not participate in any board review activities for which a fee is charged; such activities are conflicts of interest.
Question author recruitment is open in August.
Examiners administer the Standardized Oral Examination (SOE) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) components of the APPLIED Examination in our Assessment Center in Raleigh, NC.
Note: ABA examiners may not participate in any board review activities for which a fee is charged or the oral exam process of other countries. Such activities are conflicts of interest.
Mid-June to mid-August
The Board of Directors provides a strategic vision to advance our mission and the practice of anesthesiology. The Board consists of 12 clinically active anesthesiologists and one non-physician public member. Physician Directors serve as examiners and on exam committees.
ABA Board Directors are eligible to serve three, four-year terms (a total of 12 years). During their terms, they spend approximately 30–45 days per year traveling for Board business, in addition to other responsibilities that do not require travel.
Note: ABA volunteers may not participate in any board review activities for which a fee is charged; such activities are conflicts of interest.
Welcoming people from different communities enriches us all. The ABA strives to pursue equitable service provision and learn and grow from work and workplace diversity.